Jan0621 054627222269348

now i need a
screenshot program
in i3
what did i use before?
;; insert the current date into the buffer
(defun insert-date ()
  "Insert date at the current cursor position in the current buffer."
   (format-time-string "# %b%d%y %H%M%S%N%n") 
(global-set-key "\M-i" 'insert-date)

pomes in md

pomes are easy
in md
you just put three
backticks at the start
and three at the
and then write your
you could also
indent by four

but not three

or two

one is right out

emacs markdown support is a little wacky


Trying different date formats in emacs.

code for this is below

a pome

2021Jan06 05:37

jan0621 05:37

Jan0621 05391609940364084712326

Jan0621 05401609940401

Jan0621 054014

 ;; insert the current date into the buffer
 (defun insert-date ()
   "Insert date at the current cursor position in the current buffer."
    (format-time-string "# %b%d%y %H%M%S%n") 
 (global-set-key "\M-i" 'insert-date)